Get Fit: Week 9

Hello internet and future self. I'm writing this blog post out of town in the city of San Francisco. A lot has happened since my last post. I ate at Mohawk Bend with the mainframe crew. I ate a whole elgote pizza. I knew I overate so I went to the gym immediately after work and put in extra time to get rid of the excess calories. After working out, I was invited to happy hour with some acquaintances. I ended up joining them but did not consume any foods or drinks. I was pretty proud of myself, considering that I was pretty hungry but knew how much I ate for lunch. People are continuing to notice my weight loss change. My relatives from Chicago have not seen me in the past two years and have noticed a change in my weight loss. I jokingly told them that I was competing with their son Steve, who recently went through their own weight loss journey based off the ketogenic diet. I also my other California native relatives and they took notice on the change. It's amazing to get this form of external validation from other people. In the gym, Lara, the cute staff chick, took notice of my workout routine and asked me what exercises I'm doing to work out my core. I mentioned one of the machines and kindly showed me a new fitness movement involving frictionless pads. She recommended that I do mountain climbers, alternating my steps and prevent body bounce. Lara also took notice of my weight loss stating that she can see differences in the cheeks of my face. I have had some challenges still with my diet. Yesterday, I pigged out during happy hour, consuming several whiskey drinks, charcuterie, and Vietnamese food. I didn't feel good about it either. I'm currently in San Francisco spending time with some of my best friends. It's been a challenge picking better foods when the locations we head to don't have healthy alternatives or my friends want to split portions. I'm doing my best effort, but don't think I can stop all the bad food I will be having during the weekend. I'm really happy with the progress I've made since I've started. I need to constantly remind myself that if I want to maintain my progress on weight loss, I still need to be conscientious about what foods I eat and put into my body. I also need to find a way to burn the excess calories I consume during my trip. Remember to trust the process and stay consistent.