Get Fit: Week 20

Hello internet and future self.

So I've been doing a lot of life-thinking and a lot of personal development for myself. I wouldn't consider it a quarterly life crisis, but I do think about what I've accomplished, how I achieve happiness, and the best way to accomplish goals in the future.

This week was pretty stressful. I had a promotional interview to study for and I was trying to turnover a new system for use in the mainframe group. What made it even more stressful is that my interview was rescheduled so that it lied on the same day that I needed to turnover a new system. My turnover of CSM came with hiccups, and unfortunately could not finish it all within the scheduled time period. At the same time, I had to switch gears and study for my promotional interview. I knew most of the panel (Alina and Glecy), but I was trying to impress Ken Kinsey who I considered to be a wild card in whether I was going to be able to score high on the interview. I think I did pretty good; not great, but decent enough. Did I mention that I was stress eating that day? I ate to my heart's content and gained about three pounds in weight. I need to keep myself in check.

From Wednesday to Thursday, I had the opportunity to think about why my turnover failed and knew exactly what I needed to get the system running. When I went in first thing in the morning, I reconfigured the system and restarted CSM; worked like a charm. At the same time, I had to also train the staff how to use the new system. It was nice to see a new system in place, especially since it is a new product and several other staff will be using it.

So regarding my goals, I feel like I am accomplishing my fitness goal. I am over 50 pounds down and trending towards my ultimate goal of getting to 180 pounds. At the same time, I'm not sure if I want to stop at 180. I was talking to the staff at Anytime Fitness and they said the only way you are going to be able to see definition of muscle is when you have lost the majority of fat in your body. That means, I may need to lose more or less weight to get to where I want to be. Not really a big deal, but I do know that I have to work harder the farther I go down on the weight scale.

Other personal goals I have introduced is learning guitar, possibly taking voice lessons, signing up for a dating website, and possibly taking dance lessons. I have been growing so much as a technical person, that I haven't really exercised my creative side other than building websites. These new goals will probably be my new focus starting now and going forward into 2019. I think it's well worth the investment and is a good party trick whenever the situation arises.

Regarding my personal happiness, I think I am still figuring it out. I think dating and having a relationship will play a part in it. But I also need to be confident and secure in my own ability to produce or stay happy. I've got the job, the car, friends, family, and the house that supports that whole circle of happiness. I still feel like I am missing something, and its something that I am taking time to figure out. I believe I can find it, and when I do, it will be an amazing milestone for me. It would be worth blogging to myself about. 

I am still learning to just be myself regardless of what people think. I want to be the best version of myself every day. Fitness is a part of that goal, getting how I feel internally to be shown externally. I was a little loose with my diet this week and am currently sitting around 208 pounds as of this writing. Eddie and Stacelyn's wedding is coming up and I definitely want to be 180 pounds before then. I also need to buy a suit for both their wedding and my cousin Guia's / Harry's wedding. I can't wait to see what other things I can accomplish. I just need to be confident in myself and do it. As always, signing off with the mentality of stay fit, be happy, be consistent, and be you. You can do it!