Get Fit: Week 2 (Day 14)

Hello internet and future self. I've decided to change my postings to every week so that each blog post is filled with content regarding my strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and struggles. I've been very good about going to the gym. Just this past Monday, I knew I was going to have a busy schedule for the next two days ahead. I decided to head to the gym very early in the morning around 4AM. It was difficult at first to wake up and get myself mentally prepared for a workout. Nevertheless, I weighed myself and was pleasantly surprised. I weighed at 248.4 pounds (my original starting point being around 255 pounds). In my mind, it encouraged me to keep at my routine. It's how I pushed myself to get to the gym that early in the morning. When I arrived at the gym at 4:30am, I was surprised that there were actual people who were exercising this early in the morning. There were at least three other individuals who were at the gym during my arrival. It made me realize that other people who are committed to their mission will still make time to go even when the sun isn't out yet. I ended up doing a pretty decent workout of 1 hour and 15 minutes. I did cardio, weights, and core body workouts all before 5:50am. It wasn't a bad experience. The only I may not like is that I MUST end at a certain time in order to get ready for work. When I came in to work, I had plenty of energy from my workout. Although, later in the day I did get a little headache. My muscles felt "tired sore" which is an unusual feeling to have during the regular hours of the day. I broke some of my dieting rules for lunch. My friend Danny saw me walking on the street and invited me to ramen (Shin-Sen-Gumi, a place I've never been too). To help with the intake, I ordered a half-bowl of noodles; but I did order a side of poached egg, garlic flakes, and pig ears (small pieces of chicarron). It's not my proudest moment in my diet. After work, I went to my parent's house to celebrate their wedding anniversary (May 21) of 30 years. We went to Wong Cho, a Korean BBQ all you can eat restaurant, along with my cousins and my out of town relatives Tito Robert and Tita Adel. We mostly ordered brisket for our side of the table as well as some marinated beef. I tried to fill my stomach with many of the sides and leafy greens that are available on the table. That way, I wouldn't eat as much as I typically would if I were not on a diet. I ended up giving up on food early in the meal and cooked for the rest of the table. For desert, we went to Seven Leaves, an amazing boba place that served decent Vietnamese coffee. Even with my order, I limited myself and asked my dad to finish the rest of the drink. Good thing too; I ended up going to bed around 2AM when my body decided to go to sleep. Today (Tuesday May 22), I ended up eating some so-so food. For breakfast, I ate half a pan-de-sal and some tuna spread as well as one puto. My father made me a cup of black coffee. Later at work, they offered free breakfast. I ate a traditional continental breakfast (scrambled eggs, one sausage, three pieces of bacon, a dinner roll, butter, and several assorted fruit). I felt really full from the breakfast and knew I needed to eat a light lunch. My father invited me to Eastside Deli on Alpine St (near Chinatown) which is known for their pastrami. I knew I had a big breakfast and that I haven't been eating well for the last few meals. I ended up ordering a tuna sandwich and splitting the other half with my father. Now that I know how I spent my last few meals, it's a good motivator for working a little bit harder at the gym today. Even though I feel tired and don't feel like I got too much sleep, I know that the effort will be worth it. I still have another dinner event with my relatives later today (hence the busy schedule and the readily available clothing for the attire). I have to stay strong, motivated, and focused to keep up the weight loss. I just have to remember to trust the process so that results will follow.