Get Fit: Week 17

Hello internet and future self. 

Another crazy week has gone by. I think I'm going to change my writing style to be less "food diary" and more personal thoughts relating to my fitness journey, confidence, and everyday life choices that are affected by my weight.

I recently weighed in prior to writing this blog post and I am a surprising 212.2 pounds. It's so freaking crazy that I'm approaching my weight goals. I've never ever gone this far down.

What's also crazy is that I don't have to be super strict about my diet anymore. I am still mindful and will allow myself to let go, but I immediately spring back to my normal dieting needs once the life events are over. For example, I recently went to a tequila tasting party this week. Prior to the event, I had a "turkey burger" that was prepared very much like a Big Mac, with a side Caesar salad and fake 0 calorie juice. Once I went to the event, I still ate a couple taquitos, chips, and guac/salsa to "cleanse my palette". The verdict: it didn't really affect me too much; maybe a temporary pound or two and then it disappears with normal exercise. It's more important to be mindful of what you eat so that you make good decisions every time it's time for a meal.

So with all this weight loss, I decided to check out how to hit on women properly when you're in the real world. I watched a couple of Todd V Dating videos and there is a lot of content to go through. I went through a couple of videos and put some of it to practice. Last night, I went to a club with David, my coworker from work. We went to this really hip club on Sunset Blvd called Hyde. The women were easily 8's and above and were flaunting skin like no other. We had bottle service in partner with a friend and noticed a set of three girls within our section. David said that I should go talk to them and of course I pussied out originally. He then just started talking to one of the chicks who probably had RBF but looked bored at the club. I introduced myself but did not really have follow through. She left for a smoke break, I talked to David for awhile, and then she came back to where she was sitting all alone again. I challenged her, saying that she looked bored. "It's Saturday, what's wrong with you?" She responded with a smile, and said the music is not her thing. "Are you a metal-head?", I asked. She smiled again, and I repeated thinking that was what she is. She responded that she liked rap and the DJ wasn't playing much of it. I didn't really follow thru after that, I just told her that I thought she doesn't know how to dance". She started to get into the groove, but then I kind of lost it from there. The space we had was pretty tight and I couldn't really show off. Plus her friends were nearby.

So the dating thing is still a work in progress. I think I have the looks and charisma to at least get on a dating app like Coffee Meets Bagel. Lots of people I know recommend it. I just need to stop worrying and more doing. In hindsight, when I think about the club night I just experienced, it wouldn't have been the worst thing if the girl just straight up rejected me. It's not like I would have seen her again unless I was successful in getting her number. I think dating apps might lower that bar much better because it gives women a glimpse at what they are getting in to before they respond to a dude. 

So yeah... still working on it. The fitness journey is really helping me with physical confidence. I know a relationship is definitely something I want in the future. And of course, I want to be a father some day as well. I'll keep at it, and just be me, but I do need to work on giving direct compliments to women that I see a potential relationship with rather than getting friend zoned early on. 

That's all for now. I think I'll be posting more inner thoughts rather than food diaries with the exception of major events of course. I think its obvious that I've trusted the process this far. Now it's just a matter of continuing the process and maintaining the motivation, to never go back to who you once were.