Get Fit: Day 4

Hello internet and future self. I was pretty lazy today. I really didn't want to go to the gym. But since I went to Happy Hour the day before, I owed it to myself to at least try to remove the extra calories I took in from yesterday. I forced myself to the gym and started the elliptical (lateral) machine for about 20 minutes. I was surprised that after the first 5 minutes, I wanted to keep going. I tried watching an episode of IASIP (It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia), but the internet connection wasn't fast enough. Since the episode didn't load, I ended up switching to my "Dance 2016" playlist, a set of songs that surprised me on how much energy it forced out of me. I forgot how much music affects my workout. It's a goal that I need to work on, getting fast paced music to help me expel the most energy during my workouts. Note to Self: Work on Fast Upbeat Music. With the help of music and my newfound motivation, I ended up doing much more than I thought I would be doing at the gym. Ellipticals, Water Rows, Ropes, and Shoulder Presses. The other thing I tried was eating steamed broccoli and grilled chicken. The combination was pretty good (although I new I would get tired of it). Nevertheless, I felt like I was eating healthy items without fully compromising taste or the things I like to eat. After eating, I decided to brush my teeth and then head out to the Mike Shinoda concert in L.A. It was a life-hack that prevents me from eating further foods after my workout. It definitely worked, and I was able to prevent overeating that day. Don't forget why you are doing this: stay motivated and trust the process. Time will form the changes needed during my fitness journey.