Get Fit: Day 2

Hello internet and future self. You signed up for the gym (yesterday) and met with this pretty cute asian girl named Lara. She had no judgments or reservations about your reasons for getting fit or how you look. But she did remind you that you need to find a reason for getting fit. It has to be your mantra throughout this process. Lara and I went through a fitness evaluation. She asked me the same reasons for why I want to get fit, why did you stop, what makes their gym (Anytime Fitness) different. I stepped on a scale and already had an expectation of numbers to be printed out from the results. I knew the results won't be good (but then again, when you start out and you're fat, it's never good). But this is the reason I started this journey in the first place. I want those numbers to be good. I want to make a difference in my life. The journey is long and hard, but don't forget to trust the process, keep at it and carry on. After discussing my results, it was time for a full body workout. I didn't know what to expect, but all I knew that I wanted to do, was DO the workout without fail. I did everything she asked, albeit the ladder stuff I did have to take breaks. I even felt light headed at one point and had to wait till the feeling went away. Remember, the journey is long and hard, but I can do it. So what did I do: crunches, weighted crunches, squats, weighted squats, weight ball throws (left to right), hamstring stretches, etc. I made a copy of the full body workout. I should review it and try the workout again in a week. One thing I know, I am so sore.... everywhere... and it feels both bad and good. I couldn't even get to my car, let alone give a high-five to someone. It's good because you worked out muscles that have never been challenged that way. Bad, because you feel like you can't even do the simple tasks like going down a small set of stairs. I did talk to my brother, Russell, about it. "It's actually a great feeling. You'll never feel this sore ever again after you keep working out", he said. "You want to aim for this type of soreness when you workout (although it won't be close to what you are feeling right now). But that's how you know that you're body is working." It's funny, I thought this entire time, when I was brisk-walking outside, going on an incline and building sweat, that I thought I was doing a pretty good job. Fact is, I wasn't using my entire body, Running was good, but it only worked out a specific set of muscles. Also, I was pretty overweight. The running wasn't doing the muscles in my legs any favors. I know this is a more effective workout. It just hurts a lot. I need to remember not to give up. Of course it's going to hurt the first time. Eventually, it should hurt less as I workout. Remember why you are doing this in the first place. It's only Day 2. We still got a long journey ahead. As long as I keep at it and trust the process, it will provide results.