Get Fit: Day 1

Hello internet and future self. This is a personal entry to my journey in getting fit. It is meant to help me remember why I started this process in the first place and to keep me motivated to continue my journey. So why should I be motivated this time over the last time I tried working out and feeling this way? I'm physically and mentally tired at feeling "big". I know its vain, but I do want to look and feel better. I want to be able to go to events and meet new people with confidence. I want to be able to date, and have amazing sex and have body confidence whenever I hang out publicly. Remember the last time you were working out and lost over 30 pounds. You looked great, and felt different in a good way. You can be like that again. It didn't work out last time because of several things:

  1. You met someone you liked and when you told her you liked her, it didn't go your way. Yes it sucks, but part of life is learning how to deal with rejection. Going back to your old habits is not the best way to accomplish this. Instead, focus on a more intense workout. Be "mad" at yourself and focus those efforts on working out more intensely.
  2. You plateaued. Running no longer produced weight loss results. Don't forget that the first set of pounds is water weight. Once you plateau, that's where the "real" work starts. Change your workout routine, get some advice, and even hire a trainer to help you produce results (this one costs money, but remember what you will get out of it).
  3. If you get sick, do what you can without being too strenuous. If it means having a brisk walk and making those 10000 steps every day, so be it. At least you are not being sedentary.

I have to trust the process. Me being an impatient person, I want immediate results. The problem is that I've been putting on weight me entire life... a slow and steady process. The only way to get rid of it, is to trust the process, weigh yourself often, and promise yourself that you will go to the gym as many times as possible. Diet is also a big change I need to make. I know what is good for me, its a matter of control... mind over matter. Try to remember why you are doing this. Remember what worked for you when we were dieting. I counted calories, I chose better foods, I had more (but smaller portion) meals. You can do that again. Watch what you eat and purchase. Know your weakness. What can you give up without hating your new routine. You know how much you love happy hour. You can still do that, but you need to watch what you eat and drink. That means no more beers or mixed cocktails. If you have to drink, stick to shots and match it with an equal amount of water. For food, you know what is healthier than others. Try not to each fried or processed foods (which is my weakness, admit it and make the change). Realize that you are BIG now, but it doesn't have to be that way. This can be the day that you stay determined. Always be conscious about your choices: how you eat, how active you are, the quality of effort you put into the gym. Set a goal and stick to it. Think about how you will feel once you hit your goal. Think about how you will look when you are there. The journey is long. This is day 1. Be strong.