End of 2018

Hello internet and future self.

2018 is almost over and has been the most rewarding year of my life. This was the year I decided to work on myself and really truly grow as a person. It was the year that I decided to pivot and discover who I am as an individual. Before I started 2018, I created a new year's resolution's list just like I have in previous years. But this year was different, because I actually ACHIEVED many of the items I wanted to do.

Career wise, I started a new position at my workplace, learning something completely different and out of my comfort zone. It helped me grow professionally and technically, allowing me to have better time management for myself, obtain project skills, as well as learn a unique system that not too many people get to work on. Not to mention, I picked up a couple new friends from work along the way.

Socially, I met some amazing new people, rekindled old relationships, strengthened existing friendships, learned who my best friends are, and got back out there in the dating scene. It's crazy how life gravitates you towards the kind of people that help shape and change you to be your best self. You guys know who you are and I am thankful for meeting/knowing each and every one of you! Can't wait to see how we spend 2019 together.

Traveling has been a big one for me this year! Going from local destinations such as Coachella in Indio, shenanigans in San Francisco with the best friends, work trips in St. Louis, Missouri & Orlando, Florida, to visiting the Big Apple in New York for the first time, every single one had amazing memories that I will always remember and reflect on. I got some new destinations I want to hit in 2019 and can't wait to make new memories.

Creativity has always been one of those things that I've always felt that I fell short on. But this year, I've proven myself wrong. I started blogging privately about my fitness journey, which eventually led to my first public post on this website. I started posting one cool picture a day on Instagram just to see if I could be consistent (and for the likes to see if my posts were any interesting to the random strangers of the Internet). Which then eventually changed to self-portraits that are just artsy-fartsy as hell. I think its safe to say that creativity is a trait that can be worked on. I got some cool projects lined up for 2019 and I can't wait to share it with you guys.

But my biggest achievement of 2018 is working on my personal self. I honestly can say that many of the things I mentioned would have not been possible if I didn't motivate myself to make major changes in my life. Like many others, my health has always been something that I've always thought about, but never had the proper motivation to actually make those changes. When I look back, I don't recognize the person I was in the beginning of the year. I am much more now and can't wait to discover more aspects of myself.

2018 has been an amazing year and I am so grateful to have friends and family I can share my experiences with. I've got plenty of things I want to accomplish in 2019 and can't wait to show all of the Internet. You better watch out 2019... because I'm about to make you my bitch. ✌