Rainier Apolonio

Rainier Apolonio (74)

I am an IT Professional with over 15 years of experience specializing in Web, Infrastructure, and Services. I’ve worked with my companies ranging from small businesses with lean budgets to large corporations where simplicity and consistency are what matters most.

In my early days with tech, I tinkered with my first computer, broke it, and then rebuilt it back together in better condition than when I first received it. My curiosity became endless and knew that technology was what I wanted to pursue in life.

Since then, I’ve worked in multiple industries. My humble beginnings started as the IT director for a K-12 private school, focusing on network infrastructure, workstation management, and a new student management system. Later, I landed a position working for a client-oriented company, managing email services, backup solutions, and telecom infrastructure.

Today, I currently work for the city of Los Angeles serving the city by supporting our water and power infrastructure. I’ve managed multiple systems including workstation management, application deployment, and GIS infrastructure. Outside of my day job, I provide web services including site management and professional email/office services, and technical guidance/support for individuals and businesses that need help modernizing and growing their tech presence.

While technology is my passion, it’s important for me to disconnect. When I’m away from the computer, you can usually find me hiking the great outdoors, modernizing my own home, and going on an adventure with my wife. We tend to be away from our home and get purposefully lost in a new part of the world.

Get Fit: Week 9

Hello internet and future self. I'm writing this blog post out of town in the city of San Francisco. A lot has happened since my last post. I ate at Mohawk Bend with the mainframe crew. I ate a whole elgote pizza. I knew I…

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Get Fit: Week 8 - An Epiphany

Dear internet and future self. Something amazing has happened this week. Yesterday (7/2), I went downstairs to my old work group, the Service Desk, for a farewell party of my former supervisor, Tony. We were having pizza for lunch; it was something I expected prior…

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Get Fit: Week 7

Hi internet and future self. I've been having a harder time posting on the exact week anniversary for posts. I've decided to stop counting the days and just count the weeks instead. I'm finding it easier to post updates on Friday's instead of on Tuesday/Wednesday.

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Get Fit: Week 6 (Day 44)

Hello internet and future self. It's been 44 days since I've started my journey. I have noticed some amazing changes in my body as well as mental changes to how I think about food and how I exercise. I can't remember the last time I…

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Get Fit: Week 5 (Day 34)

Hello internet and future self. It's been about five weeks since I started my journey. I wasn't able to post an update for Week 4; took a trip to New York and did not have time to fully create a blog post. Here are some…

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